Legal Information / Impressum

Company Name / Firma

BlueBalance Capital GmbH
Universitätsring 10
A-1010 Wien

Company Identifiers / Firmendaten

Commercial Register / Firmenbuchnummer: 513884m
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI): 529900974ZXK5FTPMP86
VATIN / UID: ATU74542408

Company Directors / Vertretungsbefugte Organe

Dr. Lukas Goetz (Geschäftsführung)
Michael Schuelli, B.A. (Geschäftsführung)

Regulator / Aufsichtsbehörde

Finanzmarktaufsicht (FMA)
Bereich Wertpapieraufsicht
Otto-Wagner-Platz 5
A-1090 Wien

Disclaimer / Haftungsausschluss

The BlueBalance Capital website and the information provided have been carefully elaborated for general information purposes only. However, they are not intended or able to serve as a source of investment advice in individual cases. We therefore assume no liability that the provided information is correct, up-to-date or accurate. Further, BlueBalance Capital shall not be liable for any links to external websites operated by third parties.

Engagement Policy / Mitwirkungspolitik

As part of BlueBalance Capital's regulatory obligations and its efforts to ensure effective and sustainable shareholder engagement, our Engagement Policy (Mitwirkungspolitik) outlines the general principles for our shareholder engagement.

Sustainability Policy / Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie

Please refer to our Sustainability Policy (Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie) for relevant ESG-related disclosures.
